don't read this blog if you hate me.
Sorry banyak Korea.Padan muka.Takpaham kan ?
And tapaya baca post yang berkurun lame sangat.censored.ThankYou;)

Tuesday, October 25


This holiday mmg jarang onl.
Lappy kena share dgn akak.
Lg satu lappy putus wire.Grrr.
Dah lahh pakai broadband yg mcm tahi sedikit ni.
This holiday was awesome with Real Steel that made me so happy ;)
Hugh Jackman memang hebat.
Dengan Dakota Goyo si budak kecik yg double2 chomel tu lagi.
Duduk dekat cinema dah cuak tengok robot2 berlawan.
I love this holiday bcuz it's the last holiday before sitting for the SPM.
Haihh. Can't wait to see the end of my school's life.

Sorry to my best buddy tak dapat teman tgk movie.
I promise lepas SPM kay.Itupun kalau awak punya otak tu sehat lagi.

Hmm.I have blocked his FB account.
Buat apa sakitkan hati sendiri tengok benda yang kita tak suka kan?
You're totally a loser. Someday you'll find yourself stupid.
Luckily I'm not the girl that put hundred percent trust on his boyfie.
Because your words show that you're a damn playboy.
I'm happy bcuz you this boy can't make me cry bcuz now I'm a big girl. Hehhehe ;D

Me and my sistarr dah ade list name yg kena reject :
- Rasyid-

We don't know why but the name gave us nightmare. BHAHA
The R name because I truly hate my enemy, and for the F name. I love my ex. Arwah Mohd Firdaus B Saidin.
I think that nobody can take the Firdaus's place in my heart.
That's why I must put in rejected list the F name tu.
Semoga saya berjaya lah ye. Hee ;D

Friday, October 21

Respect other dulu.

Paling marah apabila warga pendidik pon tidak memberi contoh dan teladan yang baik kepada para pelajar.
Bukan semua pendidik namun segelintir sahaja lah.
Respect others so that people can respect you.
 How to be respected if you won't respect others ? Haihh. I thought elders must be more rational than the students. But it's all went wrong.
Warga pendidik berkenaan beranggapan mereka sudah dewasa dan wajib dihormati. Lantas mereka layak melakukan apa sahaja yang mereka mahukan tanpa memikirkan perkara itu jahat mahupun tidak kerana mereka menganggap semua pelajar wajib dengar arahan mereka sehingga pelajar kelihatan seperti hamba abdi yang menjadi suruhan dan kuli mereka.
Di manakah erti kemanusiaan seseorang warga pendidik yang seharusnya menjadi role model kepada para pelajar supaya dijadikan contoh yang terbaik untuk berjaya.
Mungkin pendapat saya tidak dapat diterima semua akal namun ini hanya curahan rasa hati dan jika difikirkan secara rasional, perkara seperti ini tidak seharusnya berlaku.

Bukan salah pendidik untuk marah mahupun memberi pengajaran kepada pelajar yang membuat kesalahan, tetapi hukuman itu perlu berpada-pada.
Jika perkara yang berlaku itu memberi kesan mendalam di dalam hati pelajar tersebut akibat hukuman melampau pendidik berkenaan, hal seperti ini perlu diambil serius.
Mungkin saya pelajar bermasalah dan mungkin selalu tak puas hati dengan warga pendidik.
Namun, saya rasa tidak. Kerana saya sangat respect guru-guru saya yang sememangnya role model saya seperti Puan Normala Hayati. Saya sangat respect bukan kerana cikgu ini baik dengan saya.
 Beliau merupakan guru Add Maths yang paling berkarisma, anggun, professional, cantik dan wanita hebat bagi saya.
Banyak juga guru lain.

Enough with that things, I felt pissed off when I got into that situations few weeks ago.
No offence to whatever sides. I just share my emotions.

Once upon a time, waktu class blocking di Pusat Sumber Pembelajaran @ Library, cikgu A mengajar dua kelas beliau di satu side berdekatan toilet.
My class was on the other side.
I went there to find Physics book with my beloved fellow, Aiman Zin.
While we find books,
that cikgu A come and yelled at us.

" Hey! Buat ape kat sini?"
I answered with respect, " Carik buku kejap."
"Haa.Dah carik, cepat lahh blah. TERIMA KASIH." I got that for reply.
I felt so shit. Tanya baik baik dengan penuh respect and this is what I got.
I don't get those books but terus pergi dekat part my class.
I left Aiman behind me and berjalan dengan muka sangat marah and I answered slowly, TERIMA KASIH.
Sangat memalukan dan budak lelaki ada macam buat bunyi semua.
I don't care about kena humiliated macam ni. Memang tak kesah.
But teacher did that to me.
Please tell me, apa salah sampai buat macam ni ?
I went to my friend's table. My tears can't stop flowing.
It's not for my humiliating scene or sad with what had happened.
But I'm totally angry with it.
But I could do nothing except for crying.
I asked God untuk ketenangan.
Haihh. Only God knows how I felt that time.
She hates me so much since dulu lagi.

I think positively one day.
Maybe she always did that because she wants me to success one day.
I thought about find her someday before SPM and ask for forgiveness.
But right now.
I couldn't think positive lagi.
She did something that teacher should not do.
Kenapa perlu marah student macam tu ?
 Ya Allah. Walaupun kau berhak marah student, tapi ini bukan caranya. Tolong lah sedar.
Hidup tak panjang pun.
What goes around comes around. Tahu ?

Biar Allah sahaja yang membalas perbuatan dia.

a month

Really ? 
A month je lagi kot.
Haihh. Be  patient nadzirah with all those shitto.
Many rumours came out about our V.I.F.
I don't even know why it must be us.
Haha.sokay lahh.tak heran.dah biasa dah.
Whatever happen, we'll stick together ;)
InsyaAllah Allah will bless us.
Allah knows the best ;)

Sunday, October 9

Yaww everybody

Haihh.nice vacation to US Education Fair and nanti dekat ruma baru upload kay.
Sangat love all the moments together.seriously.
right now, tenga sangat cuak thinking bout my SPM.
how it's gonna be.haihh.

Lagu Cool ;D