don't read this blog if you hate me.
Sorry banyak Korea.Padan muka.Takpaham kan ?
And tapaya baca post yang berkurun lame sangat.censored.ThankYou;)

Saturday, April 30

when i get bored.

happy tak bila we have someone to talk to.
we have someone to share our joys and tears ?
Yes. It's called Friends.
but.we must really happy if he/she is our special friend right ?
BRRR==' tiba je rase jealous.nak bercinta jugak.
bodoh.gatal.nanti diri sendirik yg complain

"Bosan lahh 24/7 text je.bosan lah.tulah nilah.sedeh lah.jerit jerit mcm org bodoh.kena dump lah.macam macam"

but still.nak jugak kan kan.
eleh.naduk oi.
dah sampai U nanti.
pegy lah minat beribu lelaki dekat sane.
*sedapkan hati.*

but the problem is.
i want it now.
*memang sumpah dah gatal habes*
tahi betol lah hati ny.

Heart.how many times I should tell you.
duduk diam diam pikir study je bolehhh.grrr=='
put aside all your crazy feelings tu.
lambat laun.hilang lahh tu,right ?

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Lagu Cool ;D