don't read this blog if you hate me.
Sorry banyak Korea.Padan muka.Takpaham kan ?
And tapaya baca post yang berkurun lame sangat.censored.ThankYou;)

Thursday, December 8

Nowadays ;)

Orang zaman sekarang ni semua hebat hebat. Haha.
Budak kecik semua pandai nak mintak makan fast food je.
I wonder bila diorang dah besar nanti diorang mesti cepat sakit kan.
And makcik makcik pun dah pandai guna technology.
Isn't that exciting ?
IT for all ages. Yeahh!
My mom and auntie pun nak maen cooking dash dalam tab.
Hebat kot.
Bukan ke diorang tak tahu IT IT ni. hee;)
Btw, i made new blog to share my love story.
One story for today.
Such a long beautiful story for me to remember in my whole life. Hee;)
Surely about my forever love, papa <3

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Lagu Cool ;D