don't read this blog if you hate me.
Sorry banyak Korea.Padan muka.Takpaham kan ?
And tapaya baca post yang berkurun lame sangat.censored.ThankYou;)

Monday, February 28


heyy.mlm ny kelas pai.
perr.penat kot jwb bi.haha.

Sunday, February 27


love you.love you not.
love you.love you not.

mcm mane ek?i think im ready to love you.but.im afraid to take the risk into love again.
haihh=='.tulahh.dulu tanak.skrg baru na regret.ape punye org laaa.HAHA.WTV.
hmm.ICB.LEE MIHUN.mane satu??
ICB to loveyy.
LEE MI HUN to likeyy.
settle kan kan;)


hee.mak.ayah.akak dtg td.hee.
tgk bdk plg kesian yg homesick ny.HAHA.
stress je kot dkt sini.
dpt KFC and MCD.
so daa happy daa.hee;)
thanks for everything.<33

Saturday, February 26

i think i wanna marry youu.

HAHA.sengal je.pikok suka nyanyi part tu je.
hmm.fatiha said that aku patut bersyukur kot cuz...
1st-ICB usha aku.
2nd-aku usha ICB balik.but he doesnt know lahhh.
3rd-right now.he's always there for me.hee;)

HAPPY kan kan??
but tatahu laa.
aku still ade hati dekat lee mihun tao.
tatahu smpai bilaa bende ny will come to an end.
mcm penat lahhh.

Thursday, February 24

hello world.

HAHA.mood campur campur.
next week standardized.
rase kannn.
semua na kene cover.bole tegolek golek.
haihhhhhh= =
rase mcm homesick je.HAHA.
sbb na exam kot.tape2.chillax.chillax.HAHA.

Wednesday, February 23


line wifi aspuri sudaa okay.
currently at meja batu.HAHA.
mcm syok je kan.hee;)
what is my feeling for ice cream bun??
i dont even know lahh.HAHA

Sunday, February 13


haha.today seems like gotta be more emotional.
why is it happen?for sure because the public speaking stuff.
tomorrow.text tade lg.preparation tade.pegy mati lahh.
the big problem is i dont even know how to speak in front of the crowd.
and no practice at all.shitt!making text for myself and terkapai kapai mcm org bodo.
pick my name but then terlopong je buat BODOH!fuck betol.sumpaaaaa.
tak reti tolong ke??"alaaa.kau kan terer".ATOK DIA SHIAAALLLL!.
mslhnye pena pulak aku deliver speech semua ny.
shutt betol laa.semua dok nak lepaskn diri.shuttttt.
no comment lg lahhh!fuck.rase nak balik rumah je kot.

Saturday, February 12

hye everyone.

goddamn.really excited.
lastly boleh pakai pn wireless aspuri ny.haha.
ape cite ek ek.haha.
ice cream bun always with me.haha again.

Friday, February 4

harini punya hal pulak.

went to diva southern city.
karaoke with lovely cousins semua.
kakyo drive.adi dgn aki pn ade.
akak punye plan lah semua ny.ha-ha.
2hours dkt sane.then engat nak pegy bowling pulak.
pegy angsana full eh.dasyat betol.
nak pegy daiman.jaoh sgt pulak an.
then.nak pegy makan.pusing mcm org gilaa taktahu nak pegy mane.
last last.pegy tempat smlm.iaitu hutan bandar.hi-hi.
gamba ade byk.mls je nak upload kt sini.hee.

Thursday, February 3

happy for whole day.

wake up in the afternoon.HAHA.penat kn.
mak masak nasi lemak.mak kate bgn mandi.
kite pegy picnic jom.HAHA.aku siap teros.mane ntah nak pegy.
then.sampai lahh dkt masjid besar.pegy smyg semua.ingat nak teros pegy zoo.
then.akak kate makan jelah dulu.nanti lapar.siape nak jwb.ha-ha.
pegy danga.park depan laut.makan dekat situ.3 kereta kot.
ade abg and cikman sekaly.seronok sgt.
then.pegy zoo.saje bawak qaiser jalan.best jugak lah.
aku bawak jln pedang payung samurai abg yg limited satu satunye ade dkt johor ny.
semua lelaki toleh dua kali engkau.ha-ha.tahu cuakk.bodoh kena tipu.
akak dgn abg lagi lah kurang ajar.
ade satu side kosong tao dkt zoo.
then.akak ckp "wehh.ade singa laut!"
kira tak kuat lg.then abg dgn muka good good dia pn berkataa,
"ehh.ehh.ade penguin lahhh!!"
then.budak age mcm tadika tu toleh tgk bawah.
sekali kosong an.ha-ha.sengal gilaaaa!sumpa!kena tipu bdk tu.

then,bergerak menuju kebun bunga.
cuz abg nak sgt pegy muzium tu.
dari tahun lepas.tapi tak tahu entrance dia mane.
tak guna punye org johor.buat malu je.
then.tutup pulak.pegy lah photoshoot.ha-ha.
pegy duduk2 bawah pokok.tgk org sini sana.
seronok sgt.

then.pegy hutan bandar nak makan chicken chop terhebat tu.
then.kate 6.30 baru open.
then.malam.baru gerak.penuh gilaa dah kot.
so.takeaway je.beli abc special dia.rm5 kot.
agak mahal dr tempat biase.but sedap woo.

Wednesday, February 2

home really sweet.

tired of counting day.
and at last.im here.homeyy rite now.
what will i do in this CNY holiday??HAHA.
i have planned it earlier.baek punya.
nak KARAK kakyo kate.dah lame tak men sumbang sumbang kan suare.HAHA.
time dkt maktab...
ape yg best when...
-dpt purse dr medan tu.
-dpt keychain korea tu.
HAHA.aku kan mabok korea.tak byk.sikit je.brrrrr==.
da lah penat.bersamamu da start ta benti benti.haihh.
penat kot.weekend da mcm weekdays dah.
tu yg bila balik ruma bukak buku jugak.

wish for best holiday.go go go;)

Lagu Cool ;D