don't read this blog if you hate me.
Sorry banyak Korea.Padan muka.Takpaham kan ?
And tapaya baca post yang berkurun lame sangat.censored.ThankYou;)

Wednesday, August 31

Second day ;)

Put a smile ;)
Layan cerita Personal Taste for the second time.
Mak masak Laksa Johor specially requested by Abg Shah.
Mak Long Kota, Ayah Long, orang Larkin semua ada td.
Best. Tp penat lah woo~
Esok gerak Kulai.eleh.relax kot.at least still around Johor je kot.

I can live without you those bastard.
Don't worry okay. HAHA ;D
Simple notes kan.

Tuhan uji orang tu sbb tahu org tu boleh tempuhi dugaan tu.
Seeing from other perspective, maybe perempuan lain tergolek dah kena tipu bodoh bodoh dengan lelaki yang da janji macam macam.HAHA
But experience tu penting kan.
Rasa macam nak tergolek ketawakan ketakpandaian aku dan kebodohan dia sendiri.
Macam mane aku boleh terjebak dalam dunia kebodohan ni lagi ?
Tapi dah terer dah.(bajet best! )
Kelakar tengok aksi kantoi dia yang ternyata menonjolkan kebodohan dia.
Sorry cakap bodoh banyak banyak sebab terang lagi bersuluh sikap dia tu menunjukkan kebodohan.again.HAHHA.
Takboleh salahkan dia jugak sebab aku yang doa jauhkan dari maksiat, tunjukkan kebenaran semua.
Yes. Allah tengah tunjukkan lah ni, Naduk. Tak realize lagi ke ? Haihh--

I'll always keep in my not-so-functional-brain untuk think twice and wisely about personal life.
It's not like buat pilih baju dekat shopping mall.
But I'm those person who used to be called a fool in my life.
Good to be adviser for others but when it comes to my own life, it becomes worst and even blank.
I need to work on that things to make sure that I'm not a fool again to lose someone perfect and not a fool again to be dumped.Two different things.Seems like about love je lebih.

Jealous tu ade when cousins semua phone bunyik. Ade je someone to text to and someone to make you laugh.At those point, baru tahu nak rindukan arwah.
Ya Allah. Kurniakan aku lelaki yang baik ;)


Me with these kinda face after HAPPY to be SINGLE again ;D

We're best SiStar ;)

Love the one and only SiStar in this world <3


GREEN for Raya ni.

Perempuan sahaja ;)

Adi ;)

Aki ;)

Cousins ;))

nice then ;)

You fu**, man !
Sorry for the words but it suit you well. HAHA
nice playing the games with my heart.
Luckily takdelah bodoh sangat aku ni tu find out yang dia tu ade orang laen.
Bila dah kantoi macam ni, baru aku puas hati.
This time, memang no tears for you.
Rasa tak marah pon dekat AWAK tu.
Serious.sebab rase macam kelakar laki yang tak seberape tu nak jadi playboy.
Dahlah bodoh sampai kantoi kantoi.
Harap je belajar kat tempat org pandai2.
Laki zaman sekarang mmg pattern tak setia.hm.girls pon same je kot.HAHA
Even sis,cousin, semua cakap BUATPE NAK SETIA.
Wooo.diorang amalkan itu rupanya.
Naseb baek aku ade backup flirting with other guys.
Patot tak termakan hati sangat kot nih +_+

To kakak ___, Thanksalot for the nice information about the guy eh.
Lelaki ni buat aku rasa kelakar even lil bit kecewa but at least kitorang tak pena jumpe, kira baru start lahh.
Nice then. Takdelah kecewa sangat cuz instinct as a woman tu tinggi saying that lelaki ni ade rahsiaaa.HAHA
Nak kecewa pon tak paya sangat cuz he just a piece of sh** (sorry for the word)
Tak makan hati sangat cuz I've experienced even worse than this. Totally worst dgn si Funkers dulu!
And tak rugi pape, just rugi kan hati aku and precious time.

That's why life told you that experience made you better even it's bitter.HAHA
Wahai kawan kawan yang anggap SEWWWWEEEEEEET sangat kitorang ni, haaa.
inilah hasilnya.once aku pena cakap kat sape ntah, bdk ni macam tak bole percaya.tengok ayat dia sikit punya baik time nak tackle.
Wooo.naseb baek dah ada precaution awal awal ek. KAHKAHKAH

Malu derr kantoi macam tu, bro =='
pegy flush muka dalam mangkuk tandas jelah kay.haha
Okay.stop here about him. WAIT!! tak layak pggl him.him salu about the one special.
Okay.stop here about ____.YEAH! Sorry word yg came out tu mmg tak sopan.

Haa.ni about my raya semalam..Guess nak upload gambar.tapi sabar sabar lahh kot.
Nice raya pertama dekat Larkin.
Adi Aki semua ada ;D

Kakyo, akak, adi, aki : Plan berjalan spt biasa kay.Karok lah kan;D

And yes.pagi raya pegi kubur and suddenly rindu arwah.
Rasa macam terasa sgt without him.
Still waras lagi takkan nak wish raya kat number phone dia.
But that ICB tu serious tak macam arwah.grrr.harap name je same.
ape lagi bole buat except for al-fatihah for him.
Goshh.even nampak normal, waktu nak dekat raya ni sumpa tercarik carik dia doh.
Raya lahh moment best kitorang.
Tuka tuka gambar raya. Cerita pegi mane. Makan ape.Even gadoh gadoh sometimes.
But tak pena lame pon gadoh tu, tu yang syg gilaa tu.

Semua tu aku tak appreciate and sayang pon that moment.
Macam, alaa.biaselah tu. But then, bila dah hilang, baru nak terasa.
Rindu nak denga dia cerita about niece dia yang chomel sangat tu.
Tasha, somehow, someday, i gotta find you baby ;)
She's too special for him.
Raya tahun ni without tok mak and arwah utk share semua sangat bg impact besar.
But life must goes on kan.
Sayang, jumpa kat syurga je nanti kay.insyaAllah ;)
Hm.time form 3.sebok2 cat rumah.dia pon cat bilik colour HIJAU.
Dia kate tu fav dia.
Aku pon cat colour fav.lavender for sure.
Serious tak tahu nak cakap kat sape lagi.
So this blog that only left.
Dia pon suka bukak blog ni dulu and tanye, 
"takde cite pasal pa lagi ke ?"
Sampai aku reblog balik post pasal dia.
I'll always remember that ;)
Perrh.ni kalau nak story pasal arwah je ni makan masa a whole month tahu..

Mood nak touching je raya ni pon tak boleh jugak.
Bak kate akak, jangan nak touching sangat lahh.
Sokay sokay ;)
I'm out.Pergi tolong mak ;D

Monday, August 29

selamat hari raya ;D

Happy for Raya ;D

But these two things that stuck in my head right now is ::
-Feeling uncertain about ICB and it's over between us.is that something i had to be happy ?? I guess so.
- The second thing is about arwah.Haihh.At this point, I do really need him a lot and do crazy about why does there arent guys like him ? To make me happy all the time. God! Send me a man that could cheer me up for my whole life. Not a BOY that just come and go as he wishes just like him.

Maybe kena ikut cakap mak.Carik orang dekat2 je.nanti susa.
Haa kan.dapat dah.
Sudahlah.enough for this feelings. Arwah.Really miss you :(

i won't

i won't let my heart torn apart again.
just like now.

sudahlah nadzirah.
trust your heart.
he wasnt love you at all !
Fullstop !
Rasa macam bodoh bila kena tipu kan ?
But itsokay. I still can breath even without you.
You such a piece of ****.
pergi HELL lah lelaki macam kau!

geram sangat nihh

about today.

currently di larkin.
buat ketupat ape semua.wee.kebas kaki aku.
about semalam....
taktahu nak comment ape.
memang never expected it from you.
this is what you called love ??
marah orang macam nak hape.
org tahu salah org.
hati ni tenga tak berapa betul.
tak stable cuz still rindukan arwah.
awak takkan paham
but then.awak marah org macam ni.
salah sikit je pon.
tahu awak sacrifice many things semalam cuz nak chat dgn org.
but.bukan org plan semua ni okayy.
last person yg penah marah org just arwah time 2008 dulu okay.
awak ingat org mcm patung senang2 nak marah tak puas hati dgn org.
heshh.banyak lagi benda org kena pikir okayy.

teroskan lahh marah org.org takboleh buat ape dahhh.
and org tak rasa awak syg org.
so.skrg.baik awak blah dr hidup sy.
hm.menyampah dgn org mcm awak.

make him shuhh shuhhh away from you life

gadoh.haa.nice then

Sorry again pasal hal tu, awak.

Sunday, August 28

Yes! New looks.

Tahniah kepada diri sendiri sebab sudah berjaya menukarkan blog ini kepada sesuatu yang baharu.
Hesh.BM hebat ni.bangga Cikgu Paan ;D
After 2 days hidup dekat shopping mall, harini berada di rumah.
For what ??
For sure untuk mengemas rumah ini.nak raya lah katakan.
Wahai si Icey Creamy Bunny Hunny. rasa macam nak tumbok kamu ni.
menyakitkan hati betul.
For my beloved eternity love in heaven, 
you should know that I miss you so much.
Your face and our memories came out of sudden about the Raya.
I'll not forget each moments :)

Saturday, August 27

oh my home ;D

reached home at 1 am.
mak amek at 5.straight to shah alam.
hmm.best.buka mcd dalam kereta.
ada anak Norsip tu sekali.

esok pagi nya pegy jalan carik jeans semua2.
satu hari suntuk kat mall.buka larkin.
balik penat tido.kesian my roti john and others cuz kena campak tong sampah.
wake up this morn and pegy ksl city.
wee.expo yg sumpa murah2.branded lagi kot.
such a great day ;D

Tuesday, August 23

wahai makhluk.

Tak sedar sedar lagi ke yg aku benci kau ??
Macam perfect je nak sakit kan hati aku.
Ade name baru lagi utk aku.Wasabi.
Fine then about that wasabi things.
Kau tu yang tak habes habes bajet best.
Meluat kot tengok muka kau.
Seriously dah lama aku tak mencarut depan manusia lagi lagi lelaki.
But congrats lahh.Hati aku mencarut je bila nampak kau.
Dekat kelas tu lagilah.muak tengok okay.
Macam nak termuntah.
Bajet aku nak sangat kawan kau huh ??
Errr.geli lahh bhaii !
So, kau bole pegi mampos sane, mummy boy!
errr.lagi menggelikan.ade hati nak jadi gangster.tapi anak mak.

P/s : lega dah rasa ;DDDD

sangat lah lame.

lama tak post mengarot dalam ni kan kan.
haritu yg pegy kuantan tu sgt best.
even sedeh sebab takde cikgu wan.
kitorg, KHALID buka dekat mama chop papa grill as it was the only place yg tak full reserved lagi.
sangat fun eventhough mahal sebab kelua duit yg kita pegang sendiri.
went to KFC.went to Rotiboy.lepak kat Big Apple.
nice moment with them.
lagi lagi dekat StarDollar tu.hee ;D
Thanks cuz korang paling banyak cheer me up on that day.

about my Icey Creamy Bunny Hunny,
there's nothing more problem.
but the problem is that i love you so much.HAHA
thanks for being there for me.
I hope this relationship will stay till the end of our life ;)
Perrhh.ayat nak power je.HAHA.

tak sabar gila nak tunggu raya.
wee.nak balik rumah sangat sangat.

Saturday, August 6

hey ya!

assalamualaikum semua.
haihh.rindu nak meluahkan isi hati kat sini.
dkat maktab, tulis dekat diary jelahh kan.
dapat balik sekejap ni pon kira okay lahh kot.
best.seronok.macam nak raya dahh.
haha.semalam memang penat.
exam math mod.
habes exam, gerak dgn efey, yunie, chua.
sekali tgk gilaa penuh orang dekat bus station.
memang gilaa lahh.
tanya cepat express and mara liner.
semua cakap takde bus ke jb or even segamat lg for harini ye.
OMG! memang gilaa.
last last.rm20 terbang melayang naek cab ke segamat
sengal. lagi 2 cab for bdk laki f3 and cipon.kumbang.azhar.nadhir.
sampai sampai jb , buka dekat dlm bus
naseb baek da dekat dah.
then.buka dekat larkin.wooo.
seronok.sumpa.tergolek golek mmg semalam.
sampai ruma je penat terus.
tapi layan cite the golden compass pulak.
sumpa bestt.haha.enough.
panjang sgt ni bebel.

p/s : to you-know-who-you-are, 
you just a piece of S*** in my life ! 

Lagu Cool ;D